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New Submission Deadlines for Revised CDFI Cert. Application

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) has extended the application deadlines for when currently Certified Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) must reapply for CDFI Certification using the revised version of the CDFI Certification Application.

You can read about the changes in the CDFI Fund’s new Quick Facts document.

In December 2023, the CDFI Fund released the final revised CDFI Certification Application. Non-certified organizations that wish to apply for CDFI Certification may do so at any time using the revised Application. However, organizations that are currently Certified CDFIs must reapply for Certification by the updated deadlines established by the CDFI Fund.

Specifically, the CDFI Fund will now be instituting a staggered submission schedule for when currently Certified CDFIs will be required to reapply for CDFI Certification using the revised version of the Application. Instead of one reapplication deadline for all Certified CDFIs, the due date for submission of the revised CDFI Certification Application will be determined by the specific date of each organization’s fiscal year end (FYE).

There will still be an early submission window for those Certified CDFIs that notified the CDFI Fund by February 1, 2024, indicating they wished to voluntarily submit their Application before the general submission deadline.

Updated CDFI Certification Application Deadlines for Currently Certified CDFIs

All currently Certified CDFIs must reapply for CDFI Certification following the submission schedule provided below. Organizations that do not submit an Application by 11:59 pm Eastern Time (ET) on their appointed deadline will lose their CDFI Certification.


  • The early reapplication window is now from September 16, 2024 to November 18, 2024. This applies to groups that notified the CDFI Fund by February 1, 2024, they wished to apply before the general recertification application deadline.
  • Early applicants whose applications are declined and therefore are not recertified will remain in a grace period and retain Certification through December 31, 2025, but must submit a new CDFI Certification Application before December 31, 2025, in order to remain Certified.
  • Early applicants that choose not to apply during the revised early reapplication window must submit their applications according to the general reapplication deadlines outlined below.
  • All other currently Certified CDFIs must reapply for Certification using the revised Application in the Awards Management Information System (AMIS) by the general reapplication submission deadlines below. No additional grace period or extension will be provided to CDFIs that fail to submit their Application by the revised deadline.

To view the general reapplication submission deadline table/chart and other pertinent information, click here.

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