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Please Take Leagues’ 2024 Social Impact Survey by July 12

Advocacy and social impact are intimately connected. It is how credit unions raise awareness, drive action, and shape policy decisions that amplify the credit union difference. (NOTE: an earlier version of this story stated a July 8 deadline, which has been corrected/updated to July 12.)

The California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues are requesting the participation of its member credit unions to complete the 2024 Social Impact Survey by July 12.

The purpose of this survey is to collectively showcase the significant work credit unions are doing to enhance their communities and serve their members. By gathering this information, the Leagues aim to provide a unified and powerful voice for the positive impact credit unions have across California and Nevada. The data collected will be aggregated to present a comprehensive overview, ensuring that contributions are highlighted within a broader cooperative context.

Click here to take the survey. 

If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Merz at

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