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(L-R — clockwise): Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA); Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA); League-hosted meeting with Cisneros and congressional candidates; the Honorable Gil Cisneros; and Salud Carbajal (D-CA).
(L-R — clockwise): Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA); Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA); League-hosted meeting with Cisneros and congressional candidates; the Honorable Gil Cisneros; and Salud Carbajal (D-CA).

League & Members Meet with Cisneros, Correa, Matsui, Carbajal

The California Credit Union League has spent the last few weeks tracking down candidates and legislators in their home state of California. League staff and credit union advocates met with the Honorable Gil Cisneros (who is running to replace Rep. Grace Napolitano — D-CA, who is retiring); Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA); Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA); and Salud Carbajal (D-CA).

A major theme during these meetings has been an appreciation for the work credit unions accomplish. Members of Congress recognize that credit unions invest in local communities and empower credit union members to reach financial wellbeing.

With this context, members of Congress were open to hearing about the challenges credit unions face with regulatory overreach. During a meeting with Cisneros, he mentioned that vague legislation results in federal agencies taking liberties with interpretations on how statutes should be implemented. Additionally, Correa mentioned that working with federal agencies during bill development is paramount in ensuring the will of legislators is represented in the final implementation of laws.

Matsui and Carbajal were quick to acknowledge credit unions for their strong advocacy efforts and presence in local communities. The meeting with Carbajal was very special, as it gave him an opportunity to congratulate SESLOC CU CEO Geri LaChance on her retirement this month. Over the years, they have become friends, and Carbajal noted that LaChance “is everywhere” in the community and in Washington, D.C. Her leadership as an advocate highlights the strength of the credit union movement — strong relationships at home and on Capitol Hill.

“We want to thank our volunteers for coordinating these events that foster productive conversations with legislators,” said Stephanie Cuevas, senior vice president of federal government affairs for the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues. “The California Credit Union League will continue to work toward protecting and enhancing the credit union model, which uplifts our local communities and strengthens regional economies.”

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