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CA and NV Soar Past CULAC Goals in ‘$30 by June 30’ Challenge

The Credit Union Legislative Action Council’s (CULAC) yearly “$30 by June 30th Fundraising Challenge” netted a total of $15,135 in June from California and Nevada credit union advocates!

The winners of the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues’ sweepstakes efforts are Bryan Krung from CU of Southern California and Xochilt Lara from Clark County CU — who both netted a YETI Cooler.

In just 30 days, California’s credit union community raised $12,865, soaring past the $11,000 target and ranking first in this nationwide competition — increasing giving from last year by 24 percent. In Nevada, credit union advocates raised $2,270, going above and beyond the $1,200 target and boosting giving from last year by 116 percent.

You can view each 2024 California contributor, as well as every Nevada contributor. The CULAC donor list will be on full display at the Leagues’ annual conference — REACH 2024 — in October (San Diego, CA) during the PAC Contributors Reception.

This phenomenal achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering support and generosity of the California Leagues’ 130-plus dedicated credit union leaders who stepped up and donated, and the Nevada Leagues’ 20-plus dedicated leaders.

The Leagues want to thank every participant for the passion, commitment, and generosity they brought to make this incredible achievement possible. Together, they are making a real difference, and the future of credit unions looks brighter than ever.

Contributions from California and Nevada CULAC leaders and advocates help form impactful relationships with lawmakers and candidates, educate them on the credit union difference, and elect those who put credit union members first. Contributions support candidates for U.S. Congress who share that critical goal. As the Leagues gear up for future elections, these donations will help weigh-in on critical congressional races to ensure the credit union movement elects credit union-friendly candidates.

Each donor’s support goes a long way, as CULAC is the prime resource to help provide a voice for credit unions on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., all while supporting the ongoing mission to enhance financial wellbeing for all consumers.

“Your contributions are more than just numbers — they’re a powerful testament to the strength and unity of our credit union movement,” said Angelica Pappalardo, political advocacy manager for the Leagues. “Every dollar raised allows us to support and educate our candidates for Congress, ensuring that the voice of credit unions resonates loud and clear in the halls of power.”

For questions about PAC or how to get involved in advocacy, please email Angelica Pappalardo.

Contributions to CULAC are not tax deductible. All contributions are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. You have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal. Guidelines contained herein are merely suggestions. You may contribute more or less than the guidelines suggest, and CUNA will not favor nor disadvantage you by reason of the amount of your contribution or a decision not to contribute. You must be 18 years of age or older as of the date of entry in order to enter. No purchase or contribution necessary to enter. Offer void where prohibited. Contest is void in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin. Please see attached page for official rules.

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