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Diana Dykstra (center), former President and CEO of the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues, with fellow colleagues and leaders at a recent retirement celebration in her honor.
Diana Dykstra (center), former President and CEO of the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues, with fellow colleagues and leaders at a recent retirement celebration in her honor.

A Toast to Diana Dykstra: Celebrating a Legacy of Leadership

After 42 years of dedicated service, Diana Dykstra was celebrated with a small but special retirement celebration this past weekend — a testament to the profound impact she’s made on colleagues, friends, and the entire credit union movement.

The outpouring of well-wishes and fond memories shared at the celebration highlighted Diana’s exceptional leadership, strategic vision, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Colleagues from all corners of the industry came together to celebrate her legacy, which has inspired countless individuals and shaped the credit union landscape.

Fellow leaders said that throughout her career, Diana has been a driving force behind numerous groundbreaking initiatives. Her innovative spirit and collaborative approach have led to the creation of programs and services that have benefited credit unions and their members worldwide.

Diana’s influence has extended far beyond California and Nevada. Her work with the World Council of Credit Unions has helped to strengthen the global credit union movement and improve the lives of millions of individuals around the world.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Diana will be remembered for her warmth, kindness, and unwavering support, many friends said. Comrades and associates alike spoke of her as a mentor and guide who has made a lasting impact on their personal and professional lives.

In the concluding words of so many friends and peers, Diana’s steadfast leadership has been a beacon of inspiration, and her kindness has changed the lives of many. She’s been more than just a boss; she has been a mentor, a guide, and an inspiration to all. Her impact will continue to resonate within credit unions across California, Nevada, and the nation, guiding others as they navigate the future.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that thousands of credit union leaders have been influenced for good by Diana’s selfless and caring instruction and leadership. These are just a few of the many heartfelt tributes that were shared at her retirement gathering. They paint a picture of a remarkable leader who has made a lasting impact on the credit union industry and the lives of countless individuals

As she embarks on a new chapter, she leaves behind an imprint that will continue to inspire and guide the credit union movement for years to come. Her retirement is not an end, but a new beginning filled with possibilities.

Diana passed the torch to Scott Simpson on July 1, the new president and CEO of the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues, as well as president and CEO of Utah’s Credit Unions.

THANK YOU for everything you have given to credit unions, Diana! Your legacy lives.

(Left) Diana Dykstra and Scott Simpson share a fun moment; (right) Leagues EVP Larry Palochik, Diana Dykstra, SVP of Federal Government Affairs Stephanie Cuevas, and VP of Regulatory Advocacy and Compliance Lisa Quaranta.


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