California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues



Leveraging the power in numbers.

We support the credit union cause by directly connecting your supporters to state and federal legislators. We are dedicated to educating elected officials and their communities about the credit union difference, as it is extremely valuable to our movement’s political voice. For more information, contact Senior Vice President, Federal Government Affairs Stephanie Cuevas at

Raising money for League PAC is crucial to the success of our member credit unions and their members. PAC stands for Political Action Committee. The California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues have registered Political Action Committees. They raise contributions from credit union leaders and members, and contribute to candidates at the local, state and national level who support credit unions.

Local advocacy efforts lead not only to important victories in Sacramento, Carson City, and in Washington, D.C., but also to an enhanced overall community presence for your credit union. The workshop is meant to strengthen communication skills required for effective legislative meetings and also feature fresh concepts about targeting and maintaining relationships with important community leaders.

At the start of 2023, the California Credit Union League hosted five virtual regional advocacy meetings to continue building upon our grassroots strength and credit union advocacy efforts. These meetings included briefings from the League’s advocacy team on the region’s legislative slate, upcoming event opportunities, the importance of our political action committee (PAC), and legislative priorities.

A useful and secure online app that counts your members and matches them to a congressional district, state legislative district and county. They are then combined with data from other credit unions nationwide. Credit unions can view the number of members by geographic area, which can be useful in placing ATMs and shared branching. Download the user manual here.

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