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#ILoveMyCreditUnion Social Media Blitz on July 26

The industry is once again gearing up for an exciting Social Media Blitz! Join the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues, and other leagues and support organizations in celebrating the fourth annual #ILoveMyCreditUnion Day on Friday, July 26!

#ILoveMyCreditUnion Day is a nationwide grassroots movement aimed to get credit unions, leagues, partners, vendors, and anyone else involved in the credit union industry to spread credit union awareness across social media. The goal is to create a day where voices across the world unite to celebrate the positive impact of credit unions under the trending hashtag: #ILoveMyCreditUnion.

Join thousands of other credit union members, employees, friends, and family in posting something on July 26, 2024, in support of #ILoveMyCreditUnion Day. By signing up, you’ll have the chance to showcase your support for the credit union movement and connect with a diverse audience passionate about financial inclusions & community empowerment.

Click here for more information about the #ILoveMyCreditUnion Social Media Blitz. For questions, please email


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